
Most frequently asked questions

To help you make the most of our services we have listed frequently asked questions below. If you need answers to questions not listed, please write to us at Daft as a Brush House, Great North Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2DR, or call us: (0191) 28 55 999. Alternatively, use the contact link to direct your message to the relevant person.

You can also connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and for social activities and fundraising or please call us.

QHow do I, or someone I know, use the service?

AWhen cancer treatment is planned, you will have the opportunity to discuss transport requirements with your nurse or consultant. It is at this time that you may be offered the Daft as a Brush service, depending on your location, requirements and our availability. The hospital referral will reserve the service on your behalf and we will contact you to confirm details to ensure the transport arrangements suit the treatment plan.

It is important to note that Daft as a Brush cannot directly reserve this service for you; referral must come from the hospital in advance of the planned treatments.

QDo I need someone with me?

ADaft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care offers ambulances staffed by a driver and a companion, so it is not always necessary to bring someone with you. However, should you prefer to have a friend or family member with you, this is absolutely fine.

QCan I work / volunteer at Daft as a Brush?

AIf you have some spare time, why not apply to be a volunteer? Many positions are available including ambulance drivers, companions, administration, reception and fund raising etc. Please apply on-line from the Volunteer Page where you can complete an Application form.

QHow do I comment / complain about the Daft as a Brush service?

ADuring your treatment you would have received a form to complete to make comments about the service and our volunteers. If you wish to make further comments or contact us, please do so by post to: Mr A. Butler, General Manager, Daft as a Brush House, Great North Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2DR. Or, email alan.butler@daftasabrush.org.uk

All comments are treated in confidence, please note we may not be able to reply to all correspondence.

Should you wish to complain about any aspect of the service, please download our Complaints Policy which contains more information and the complaint procedure. All complaints are treated in confidence.

QMy friend can’t help me anymore, will you transport me?

APlease discuss the Daft as a Brush Service with your consultant, we cannot accept requests from you directly as we organise our transport service in conjunction with the hospital. Our planners will create a bespoke service for you, but please bear in mind our service is very busy and we may not be able to take-over from your family or friend immediately.

Help us to support cancer patients on their journey to recovery.

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care is a free service for Cancer Patients and is totally funded by donations and the hard work done by our amazing volunteers.

Only with the support of people like you can we continue caring for people living with cancer across the region. Donations can be made by on-line from our ‘Donate’ link quickly and easily, or by post to our office in Gosforth, or by personal visit to Reception.

From all of our volunteers and staff, thank you.


Help us reach our annual targets. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!