Donate to Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient care rely on donations to keep our local charity moving. There are various ways you can donate and various amounts from £1, we thank you most sincerely for all donations received.

Gift Aid is one of the simplest ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme administered by the Government which allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, if you donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25. Please download a form and enclose this with your donation so we can make the most of each £1 raised! Thank you.


Card Donations

Donating by Credit / Debit card over the phone.

We’re now able to accept donations over the phone with most major credit and debit cards.
Simply call us: 0191 28 55 999 and our team with be delighted to accept your donation of any amount. Thank you.

Donating by Credit / Debit card with Just Giving.

The quickest and most convenient way of donation via credit or debit card is with Just Giving or PayPal. Secure and safe, you can donate a set amount, set-up regular donations or and individual one-off payment. You don’t need a Just Giving account, simply use any credit or debit card to donate to Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care. Thank you.

To make a regular donation with Just Giving to Daft as a Brush – Please click here.

Donating by Credit / Debit card or Smartphone with PayPal.

You don’t need a PayPal account, simply use any credit or debit cared to donate to Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care. You can nominate our charity with PayPal so even time you purchase using the PayPal system, a donation is given to us – this costs you nothing! Thank you.

Please click here to visit PayPal Giving Page

<—— Scan this QR Code with your smart phone camera


Donating via PayPal Giving

You can donate via PayPal Giving by clicking there, no account is needed just a debit or credit card. Thank you!

<—— Or, scan this QR Code with your smart phone camera

jason and vicky

Donating by cheque / post, in celebration, cash or gifts in person.

You can donate by cheques and postal orders. Please make payable to ‘Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care’ and post to: Daft as a Brush House, Great North Road, Gosforth, Newcastle, NE3 2DR. Celebrate your big event and support us! Whether you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, wedding or in remembrance, you can choose to donate in lieu of gifts.

If you have organised your own fund raising event, or collected gifts on our behalf, you can visit us to donate coins, notes and gifts. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm. Please call us to ensure a team member is available – 0191 28 55 999. All donations will be acknowledged by letter from our Trustees.

Don’t forget to download a Gift Aid form so we can claim back another 25%.

Sponsoring for Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care

If you are doing your own challenge, perhaps a run, bake-off, climb or any event, you can download a ‘Daft’ sponsorship form to raise funds for our charity. Please don’t forget to ask those who sponsor you, to include their address and tick the Gift Aid box so we can claim an extra 25% on top of the amount raised. Thank you. 

For a  Sponsorship Form please contact us.

Help us to support cancer patients on their journey to recovery.

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care is a free service for Cancer Patients and is totally funded by donations and the hard work done by our amazing volunteers.

Only with the support of people like you can we continue caring for people living with cancer across the region. Donations can be made by on-line from our ‘Donate’ link quickly and easily, or by post to our office in Gosforth, or by personal visit to Reception.

From all of our volunteers and staff, thank you.


Help us reach our annual targets. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!