Discover our Real Life Stories
Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Carer transports thousands of patients each year for their treatment. Our service is run by hundreds of volunteers who work tirelessly for the charity.
But what do patients, volunteers and medical professionals think about our service? Below are a small collection of video interviews; from Chief Executives, Patients, Volunteers and more. We’re proud of Daft as a Brush and are delighted so many people, from all walks of life, share our passion. Our thanks to all those who took the time to be involved with these “Real Life Stories”. If you have you’re own story and would like to be interviewed, please refer to the bottom of this page. Thank you.

Switching on 1 million Christmas Lights
at Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care HQ
Runtime 2 mins, 15 sec.
Professor Sir John Burn and
Dame Jackie Daniel talk ‘Daft as a Brush’
Runtime 10 mins, 21 sec.
Taking Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care
all over Great Britain and Ireland.
Runtime 4 mins, 21 sec.
Interview with Dr Ali Zaatar,
Daft as a Brush Volunteer
Runtime 3 mins, 44 sec.
Interview with Mr Mervyn East
Cancer Patient and Service User
Runtime 3 mins, 44 sec.
Daft as a Brush Heroes continue to help
cancer patients throughout Covid-19.
Runtime 3 mins, 39 sec.
Do you have a Real Life Story?
Do you have an experience of Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care you wish to share?
Perhaps it’s the service, people or an individual you would like to chat about? Or, do you have your own personal story to tell? Please contact us.
We will require your name, contact details, a brief summary of your story and a member of the team will be in touch. Look forward to hearing from you, thank you.